“In just the first few months of sending this newsletter, we have seen an increase in interaction from this group of people. We are seeing high open and click rates for the newsletter email itself. We are also seeing those previously inactive people returning to interacting with our content and researching our services again.”
— SARAH LUCKOW Demand Generation Specialist, ABILITY Network

Ability Network
Case Study

Lead reactivation program

As a response to the issue of having thousands of cold leads who just “sit there” having exhausted their nurturing flows, ABILITY Network and Leadonance have created a custom-tailored solution that continuously nurtures cold leads by automatically converting ABILITY Network WordPress blog posts into Marketo dynamic newsletters.

The new dynamic newsletter allows ABILITY Network to re-engage these cold leads with the content from the latest WordPress blog posts with current industry-related news, to preserve thought leadership and to stay in touch with them even if they have previously dropped out of the conversation.